Thursday, December 17, 2009

H.A.P.P.Y 2nd B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y

Its Adrieyana 2nd birthday.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADRIEYANA.. dis year no party no celebration.. hope u don't mind.. :p cemanapun kami doakan Adrieyana akan membesar dengan sempurna imannya dan bijaksana akalnya.. Aminnn..

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

chilling out

today kita jalan-jalan di Jusco Permas Jaya.. actually ayah need to send his bicycle at the bicycle shop here in permas jaya.. it will take some time so ayah send us here first in jusco.. we jalan a bit here and there then singgah at A&W.. ada headband percuma.. some of ur pic chilling out..

Thursday, October 1, 2009

yum yum sushi..

actually these piccas were taken quite sometimes.. slalu kalo pegi makan dekat sushi king, u and alisyia always sit on the table before the sushi arrives.. your favorite things were of course the small plate for the soy sauce and also the chopstick.. some of the scene..

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ulcer on Eid

yup.. poor Adrieyana.. u had 7 small ulcers dekat bibir bawah sebelah dalam.. 3 4 days before raya u keep mengamok.. takmau orang lain just want to be with ibu.. then ur air liur keep meleleh.. ibu thought that Adrieyana sakit gigi ke apa.. makan minum pun tak lalu.. pastu barulah perasan ulcers tu.. so on 1st Raya memang takde banyak pic Adrieyana.. :p

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Malacca Trip June 09

We've been to Malacca last weekend.. we need to attend a wedding.. but ayah thought that we need to add some value to our traveling and so we decided to mandi manda at A'Famosa Waterworld.. yippee.. u love it..

upon arriving.. baru bangun tido.. muka sangat toye.. oh and actually u were just recovering from a fever..

mandi manda time

dekat arabian world.. adek pantang nampak lecak.. dok sibuk splash sana sini..

okeh sudah penat sudah hitam sudah sejuk.. bungkuss...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

when adek told ibu..

Adek is now 1 year 4 months and 3 weeks old

yesterday after ibu back from work, ibu and adek lepak2 at our usual port in front of television (kakak was sound asleep).. then suddenly u came and stand in front of ibu. U tepuk2 your diaper and u say 'yeeak.. yeakk'..

i look at u and was thinking 'did this girl try to tell me that she poo? ehhh cannot be laaa' but then ibu try to smell your diaper and 'oh ha'a adek yak ek??' and i think u just poo.. oh my.. u are sooo cute.. i didn't know that u can understand it now.. i'm so happy about it..

Friday, April 17, 2009

Adrieyana is officially walking today

Yeayyyy.. at last by age 1 year and exactly 4 months old Adrieyana is officially walking..
well u never walk before.. we saw u once or twice try to menapak one or two steps and then u fall and u decided not to try ever again.. haihh..

But today after ibu back from work while layan u both and akak.. Suddenly u are walking from meja depan to halfway across the ruang tamu.. and its not an attempt to walk.. its really walking.. u just walk and walk non stop.. ehhh.. even though we are quite putus asa nak tunggu u walking before this, but after seeing u walk just now, ibu jast can't help to laugh.. its one happy moment girl..

Alhamdulillah berkat ari Jumaat nie.. :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Adek been tag

Adek telah ditag oleh kawan ibu and anaknya baby ecah yg montel dari sini so ibu will help u to answer all those question from my point of view of course..

1. Anda rasa anda hot?
oh yeahhh.. with ur crooked smile and a curly hair.. one just can't resist u..

2. Upload gambar kegemaran anda.

gambar masa makan2 dekat laksa shack..

3. Kenapa anda suka gambar ni?
ibu suka sbb masa ni adek tengah jerit2 marah orang.. garangggg... macam ibu tau..

4. Bila kali terakhir makan pizza?
x ingat ler tp dah quite sometimes gak ler.. ibu tuduh around November 2008..

5. Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
ibu g keje tadi adek tido lagi so smalam sblom tido petang2 adek tengok mickey mouse clubhouse so lagu penutup dia la apa lagi..

6. Apa yang sedang anda buat selain daripada selesaikan tag ini?

sama la cam akak adek mesti tengah tengok tv playhouse disney channel xpun sbok baca buku..

7. Selain nama sendiri, anda suka dipanggil dgn panggilan apa?
adrieyana - ana - nana - adek la of course (buat masa ni adek ler seblom dpt adek baru).. hehehe..

Monday, March 9, 2009

can't touch this..

by age 1 year 2 months and , adek still hasn't walk yet.. u seems so scared to stand without anyone hold ur hands..

tadi while tokcik holding u playing in front of the tv, u keep touching the button and playing with it.. tokcik had to hold both of ur hands to stop u from touching it but then because u cant use ur hands, u raise ur right leg and u use it to touch the button.. tokcik geleng kepala 'ada jeee idea dia' said tokcik..

Sunday, March 1, 2009


today in this hot weather, we went to starhill for swimming with ayah's frens and some of urs too.. auntie yana and auntie jehan helped to hold u when ibu went around snapping some pictures.. however u really enjoy ur time playing some water..

Monday, January 26, 2009

melmon time

ahaaa.. arini mood adek baik nak pakai melmon scarf (if u watch madagascar then u know who melmon is).. scarf melmon ni dapat percuma dlm happy meal la apa lg..

Friday, January 23, 2009

adek memblock

wanna block with adek everybody??

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

kak diah balik indon

bibik adek selama 1 thn ni kak diah akhirnya telah balik smula ke indonesia.. kita sume pegi anto kak diah dekat kukup untuk kak diah naik feri g tanjung balai.. alhamdulillah ibu rasa selama kak diah jaga akak dan adek, dia dah jaga btol2..terima kasih kak diah..

Saturday, January 17, 2009

its kitchen time

once in a while adek akan turun dapur masak.. biasanya akak je kletang kletung kat dapur.. tapi arini adek beriya2 gak masak.. masak apa tu??...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

adek sliding time..

ni aksi adek main kat playpark kat umah atok.. happynya diaaaa...

amek darah

disebabkan u and akak ada chikunguya.. so kita maintain amek ubat homopati dekat sg. rengit tu.. its the best homopati in town la kiranya nya.. ubat ni nak amek mesti cek darah.. doc analisis darah tu then dia akan bagi ubat ikut masalah.. so adek ngn akak mmg dah kebal la bab2 amek darah ni.. dia cucuk kat jari.. and adek pun biasanya dah paham.. duduk je kat krusi sblh doc nanti adek hulur jari.. and kat umah pun adek ngn akak slalu blakon amek darah sambil bunyikkan 'teet' (bunyik alat amek darah tu ler)

Friday, January 2, 2009

jalan-jalan cari baju ayah

ari ni kita g jalan2 kat bugis and orchard road.. ayah nak beli baju opis baru kononnya sbg persediaan masuk keje baru next month.. banyak gak tempat kita g.. tapi ibu xde lah sempat nak snappy snappy gambo bebanyak sgt.. kita bawak 2 stroller memasing utk akak dan adek.. ok lor bolehlah jalan2 sbb kebanyakan tempat pejalan kaki ada sediakan tempat utk org yg bawak roda.. xkira la stroller ke kerusi roda ke..

memula kita g bugis makan ayam penyet.. pastu baru g orchard road.. overall ok akak and adek xbwk masalah cuma adek je kekadang bising sket2.. boring agaknya.. so apa2 pamplet yg ibu jmpa ibu pass kat adek and u were enjoying ur time reading it..